A Better Tomorrow
Video Credits: @luxuryplaceslove via Instagram I came across this video on Instagram and I found it beautiful. Something began to build in my head, thought after thought. Could this be our tomorrow that we anticipate? *** We are living in chaotic times
World Poetry Day – Pieces on Hope
21st March 2020: On the occasion of World Poetry Day, two Middlesex University students shared their poetry. https://youtu.be/J_06lHPmY2g Video Credits: Ayisha Alka Part 1 I have always had a strong interest in creative writing and always excelled in English Language and Literature with
Juggling Mental Health and School
Photo credits- Arjun Radeesh From left to right: Dr Kim Henderson, Akanksha, Ms Mariam Abonil, Dr Lynda Hyland, Noura Abouelrous 26th February 2020: Middlesex University Dubai worked alongside an open dialogue platform called The ReSet Dialogue to hold one
Poetry Pieces (Poetry Club Collaboration)
Part 1 The poem is about a little girl who goes through several incidents in life that really changed and affected her as a person. Through her dreadful past with her friends abandoning her, being bullied and joked about, one thing
Discovering The Potential You Never Knew You Had
Who knew that you would one day be able to unlock the mysteries of fighting fear, conquering challenges and realising your destiny. Have you ever felt like pursuing a passion? Cultivating your creativity? Or figuring out what you want to accomplish