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MDX Redbeat

Poetry December Competition: The Essence of Christmas

December passed by in a frenzy, with most of us wishing 2020 would quickly subside and hoping a new year would bring us better experiences and the simple pleasures lost in 2020. With most of us praying that the Christmas of 2020 hops by as the best of celebrations, Poetry Club settled on the theme for their monthly written poetry competition as ‘The essence of Christmas’. Here is a beautiful poem by Lovell Menezes reflecting on what the spirit of Christmas truly represents.

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Christmas Essence

Christmas is a time of love and laughter

A time when Santa is the person most sought after

Where the children run and play

Waiting for the special Christmas day

Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows

That warm our souls

While watching those nostalgic movies

With Ice Cream Bowls

Cookies, milk, and cake

Which is more than one can take

Wrapping gifts and presents

Gives a feeling of happiness, oh so pleasant!

More than the food, however,

It’s about the people

That we so dearly treasure

Spending time with loved ones

With parents surprising their daughter and sons

Giving to those to need

And to the little orphans we feed

Blessing them with love

That we have gotten from up above

Helping the widow and weak

Through words of hope that we speak

Together we sing Christmas tunes

While our love for one another blooms

Together we laugh

Together we cry

Enjoying each other’s presence

This is the real Christmas Essence.

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Congratulations to the winner – Lovell Menezes, for writing this heart-touching poem. The real soul of happiness is, undeniably, kindness and togetherness – with this, we hope your 2020 Christmas was celebrated safely, and we wish your 2021 to be the best of all years!


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