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MDX Redbeat

2020 – Poetry

2020 was indeed a little messy. It left the majority of us shattered and in a state of distress – perhaps by dealing with the loss of someone close, or losing your job over the pandemic. While for some, it was raining cherry blossoms in the disguise of blessings – maybe over their new family member, or simply just waking up healthy to a new day. A series of unexpected events unfolded, leaving our vision blurry. While the struggle to strive through season 2 of the saga continues, here’s a Season 1 timeline review we might all relate to, because no matter how hard we try to forget, the memories remain. We may not undo the past, but we can definitely reflect and hope to change things better than the last.


January – a fresh start, aspirations & aims ahead
February – the news of Covid-19 spread
March imposed a worldwide lockdown
April – the Earth went silent, no sound.

May-be, maybe not, just hanging in between
June by-hearted routine, movies and memes
July summer break officially began
August, virtually toured the globe through a gadget in hand.

September wished for normal to resume, a total mundane 
October – got used to new normal, the new restrain
November devised to accept and cope
December vibes filled me with new hope.

New Year, new hope rollin’
Yearly calendar recycles again
“Please Be Kind”, 2021 begins
Aims uncertain, lessons regained.

Another motivation, deeper aspiration
But a grateful heart I maintain.
Live & let live, love life, be kind, be human,
Don’t know when we will meet again…

– Angelina Gonsalves

BSc. Psychology with Counselling Skills

Year 2

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