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December 2020

Quarantining  [kwar-uhn-teen-iin] verb The act of knowing better since the first quarantine and supplying yourself with essentials and goodies. Figure 1: The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo (1512). Image credits: Unsplash.  Many countries have reintroduced restrictions with a second lockdown to limit the expansion of the coronavirus.

"Take a semester at sea, Aria. It'll be fun, Aria." The girl scoffed, readjusting the heavy chains on her bruised and bloody wrists. How had she gotten into this mess? Her sister had finished her semester at sea last year and had

Part 1A Vacant were her expressions, lost were her thoughts. The world had taken its toll on her, and now, she was alone and hungry. Misplaced were her instincts, broken was her compass, directionless, and misguided, she continued to walk, hungry